Speeches an poster presentations at national and international conferences, technical papers in jounals and magazines, the publishing of PhD thesises and Habilitations as well as textbooks and technical books...
The scope of publications is widely spreaded.
The publishing of scientific results in journals as well as the presentation on national and international conferences is part of the scientific work, also as an important feedback of the evaluation by external experts.
The most important international conferences in the field of electronic packaging are represented by IEEE-CPMT (IEEE Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology Society). These are:
ESTC has been organized for the first time in 2006 by IAVT/ZmP and became instantely a successful conference with 400 attendees. Since then ESTC took place in Greenwich, Berlin, Amsterdam and Helsinki, is held in 2016 in Grenoble and will come back to Dresden in 2018.
IN addition there is a lot of national and international conferences, amongst them some about process simulation like "International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing" (FAIM) or "Winter Simulation Conference".